eGY Endorsements
- International Council for Science (ICSU)
- Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
- International Year of Planet Earth
- Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology and Standards, George Mason University
- Asia Oceania Geophysical Society (AOGS)
- International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
- Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Innsbruck
- International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
- International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)
- Geophysical Observatory Loparskaya, Murmansk, Russia
- International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS)
- International Association of Geodesy (IAG)
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
- International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO)
- International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS)
- International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI)
- International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI)
- Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR) Program
- Japanese eGY Committee
- Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth System (CAWSES)
- ICSU Panel on World Data Centers
- CICGE (Research Centre in Geospatial Sciences) of the Faculty of Science, University of Porto
- NSF GEM (Global Enironmental Monitoring) Program
- Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory
- European Geosciences Union (EGU)
- Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP Federation)
- Federation of Astronomical andGeophysical Data Analysis (FAGS)
- Geosciences Network (GEON)
- Marine Metadata Interoperability Project
- European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research 724 Action (COST 724)
- Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA)
- International Living with a Star Program
- Aileio, Anita
- Alpert, Jordan
- Ammann, Caspar
- Anderson, Robert
- Aswathanarayana, U.
- Ayers, John
- Baird, Ralph
- Baker, Dan
- Barrodale, Ian
- Barton, Charlie
- Beggan, Ciaran
- Berkman, Paul
- Berri, Boris
- Bigio, Tommaso
- Boehm, Manfred
- Boler, Fran
- Boradsen, Scott
- Bridges, Rutt
- Buhn, Susan
- Candey, Robert M.
- Carpenter, Philip
- Chandler, Cyndy
- Chambers, Lin
- Chan, H.A. Duyen
- Chandra, ?
- Chen, Jaisheng
- Cheng, Arthur
- Chernyakov, Sergey
- Chi, Peter
- Connors, Martin
- Curtis, Steve
- Davila, Joseph
- de la Beaujadirere, Odile
- Donovan, Eric
- Dowman , Ian
- Ducarme, B.
- Eastman, Timothy
- Elginton, Duane
- Elliott, Casey E.
- El-Qady, Gad
- Engebretson, Mark
- Fox, Peter
- Fraser, Brian
- Fucugauchi, Jaime Urrutia
- Fujimoto, Masaki
- Fulker, David
- Georgiena, K.
- Gichaba, C. Maina
- Gitis, Valeri
- Goldstein, Jerry
- Graybeal, John
- Green, James L.
- Groom, Doug
- Gupta, Harsh
- Gurman, Joe
- Harinarayana, T
- Herman, Rhett
- Holmes, Chuck
- Holt, John
- Home, Richard
- Horwitz, Jim
- Immel, Thomas
- Jackman, Charles
- Jackson, David D.
- Janoschek, Werner
- Jaskulski, Tiago
- Jensen, Olivia
- Joseph, Lawrence
- Jurob, Robert
- Kalinaske-Sleslin, B.
- Kamide, Y.
- Killeen, Tim
- King, Todd
- Klumpar, Dave
- Koepke, Mark
- Kontar, Lev
- Kossobokov, Vladimir G.
- Krause, Linda
- Kuhn, Michael
- Lennartsson, O. Walter
- Llewellyn, E.J.
- Lu, Gang
- Lundin, Rich
- Mandea, Mioara
- Manuel, John
- Maus, Stefan
- McCracken, Michael
- McKinley, Jim
- McNutt, Steve
- Meffei, Andy
- Meka, Jan
- Mendes-Victor, L.A.
- Miller, Linda
- Mocanu, Victor
- Moniw, Joan
- Mooers, Chris
- Muench, Joanna
- Mulic, Medzida
- Namgaladze, Alexander
- Narock, Tom
- Nautiyal, Dr. C.M.
- Navon, Oded
- Nemecek, Zdenek
- Nortcliff, Stephen
- Nylund, Stuart
- Pankl, Heather
- Pap, Judith
- Papitashvili, Volodya
- Perry, David
- Peterson, Bill
- Peterson, Judy
- Powell, Dylan
- Ramirez, Juan
- Rao, B. Venkateswara
- Resmini, Roy
- Ritschel, Bernd
- Roberts, Aaron
- Rodger, Alan
- Roy, Sukante
- Ruttenberg, Stan
- Seibeck, David
- Sevilgen, Volkan
- Sibanda, Patrick
- Sledinski, J.
- Sparnocchia, Stefania
- Soraas, Finn
- Stankar-Pursley, Jaua
- Stevens, Tyler
- Strangeway, Bob
- Svalgaard, Leif
- Szarka, Laszlo
- Taylor, Mike J.
- Taylor, Patrick
- Tealek, Ali
- Thieman, Jim
- Thompson, Barbara
- Turner, Niescja
- Valentine, David
- Vondrak, Richard
- Weigel, Bob
- Weiss, Michelle
- Wernik, A.W.
- Wong, Alfred
- Woodfield, Emma
- Wu, Zhonghaing
- Yeh, Yih-Hsiung
- Yizengaw, Endawoke
- Zhang, Jichun
- Ziemen, Florian
- Zlotnicki, Jacques
- Zobin, Vyacheslav