The Electronic Geophysical Year: 2007-2008

Working Group on Data Integration and Knowledge Discovery


WG Report by Paul Berkman

Minutes from Knowledge Discovery Workshop convened at CODATA meeting in Beijing, 2006


Terms of Reference


The International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957-1958 initiated the World Data Center (WDC) system under the International Council of Science (ICSU) to assemble, scrutinize, organize and disseminate solar, geophysical and related environmental data collected by the international community. Since the IGY, new centers and disciplines have been added during a period of rapid technological innovation. ICSU also established the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) to improve the quality, reliability, management and accessibility of data from all fields of science and technology for increased awareness, direct cooperation and new knowledge.


With the microprocessors, software and Internet of today - access to data has become effectively infinite and instantaneous. However, what will the researcher need to do with the data after the search step has been completed and the "relevant" files have been located? Challenges for the future go beyond data access toward the automated integration of distributed data to discover knowledge in the form of objective relationships within and between digital records.


The eGY Working Group on Data Integration and Knowledge Discovery has the following objectives:

  1. Consider alternative strategies and tools to integrate interdisciplinary data collected on Earth and in outer space for scientific purposes.
  2. Coordinate data integration and knowledge discovery activities with the International Polar Year and International Heliophysical Year that also will occur during 2007-2008.
  3. Coordinate with ICSU (particularly through the WDC and CODATA) and established international scientific societies to recommend innovative strategies for interdisciplinary data integration and knowledge discovery beyond the 2007-08 period.


The eGY Working Group on Data Integration and Knowledge Discovery seeks to have an inclusive and engaged membership that is international and interdisciplinary. The Working Group will have a Chairperson, Co-Chairperson and Secretary that shall be appointed by the eGY International Steering Committee.


The eGY Working Group on Data Integration and Knowledge Discovery will meet four times each year during 2007 and 2008. These meetings will be coordinated with established international scientific unions, programs and societies to address the objectives of data integration and knowledge discovery.


Minutes of the quarterly meetings in 2007 and 2008 shall be distributed through the eGY website. Summary papers of the principal findings and recommendations to the international scientific unions, programs and societies will be prepared in 2007 and 2008. These summary papers will be published in the CODATA Data Science Journal ( as well as other international and interdisciplinary venues that are appropriate.


The eGY Working Group on Data Integration and Knowledge Discovery will be operational in 2007 and 2008. Preparatory work for this Working Group shall begin immediately. Subsequent activities of this Working Group beyond the period of the eGY shall be at the discretion of an appropriate scientific union, program or society that will serve as the host organization.

Special Needs:

Institutional as well as financial support will be needed to: (a) organize the eGY Working Group on Data Integration and Knowledge Discovery; (b) facilitate its quarterly meetings in 2007 and 2008; and (c) of subsidize the key individuals who will coordinate the meetings and prepare the written materials.