The Electronic Geophysical Year: 2007-2008

SEG Leading Edge articles

Multi-university Internet video-conferencing course provides novel approach to student-directed learning by Adam Durant and William Rose

The International Polar Year: A legacy of Sydney Chapman by John Kelley

The birth of the International Geophysical Year by Fae L. Korsmo

The role of museums in geoscience education: A perspective by Carolyn Rose Rebbert

Introduction to this Special Section: eGY by Ralph Baird

Enhancing geophysical best practices with open standards by Randy Clark

Comparative planetology: History of water in the inner solar system by Paul A. Cloutier

The Electronic Geophysical Year (2007-2008): eScience for the 21st Century by Emily CoBabe-Ammann, W. K. Peterson, Daniel Baker, Peter Fox, and Charles Barton

The International Year of Planet Earth (2007-2009): Earth Sciences for Society by Eduardo F. J. de Mulder, Ted Nield, and Edward Derbyshire

Preserving IGY's history and legacy by Barbara J. Thompson by Paul Dickson