At the 2008 General meeting, attendees identified the following eGY legacies:
- The eGY declaration has resonated with policy makers. It and the Astronomers Data Manifesto will migrate to a web page developed by the CODATA working group: eGY Earth and Space Science Data Interoperability.
- eGY participants were instrumental in establishing and promoting the AGU and EGU Earth and Space Science Informatics (ESSI) interest groups. These groups and their GSA counterpart became regular, well attended forums for the discussion of the principles listed in the eGY Declaration.
- eGY participants were instrumental in forming the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) Union Commission on Data and Information. Peter Fox, Chair of the eGY Working Group on Virtual Observatories also chairs this new commission.
- eGY participants formed the CODATA working group eGY Earth and Space Science Data Interoperability to address international and interdisciplinary aspect of the principles listed on the eGY declaration: free and open access to data, interoperability, standards, etc.
- eGY participants have been engaged with the World Data Center Panel on Ways and Means to certify existing and planned World Data Centers.
- eGY has begun to generate publications as noted in the report above on the session on publications chaired by Dan Baker. These publications include the soon to begin Spotlight series in EOS, published by AGU.
- eGY participants working with Paul Ulihr of the US National Academies have been involved in the Global Earth Observing Systems of Systems (GEOSS) data policy implementation at the GEOSS Workshop XXIII - Science Modeling and Data Policy - to be held September 14, 2008, in Quebec City, Canada.
- eGY participants have created web-based presentations of applications illustrating one or more eGY principles. These so-called 'showcase demonstration projects' are available on the web at: These showcase demonstrations will migrate to a web page developed by the CODATA working group: eGY Earth and Space Science Data Interoperability.
- eGY Participants established eGY-Africa which will continue beyond the December 31, 2008 end of eGY.
- eGY National Committees established in China, Russia, Europe, India, South Africa, and Japan have engaged their national communities and had an impact on data policies in these countries.
- The eGY Calendar collects meetings addressing topics of interest to the eGY community (i.e. informatics). As noted above, we are exploring the establishment of an informatics specific, but cross discipline, calendar. Alisdair Davey agreed to take on the task. Progress reports on this task will appear in the eGY Newsletter.
- The Best Practices working group has established a Wiki-style web page to collect and codify the best practices for running large data centers. This activity will migrate to CODATA at the end of eGY.